
Consequences of Market Timing: Bull Market Leaving Some Behind

Market timing is exhausting. And often, it can be expensive. When you time the markets, you have to be right twice – first when getting out and second when getting back in.

In the accompanying chart, you can see individual investors remain mostly “out” despite the stock market’s 2023 rally.

When people use market timing to get out of the market, even when they become more upbeat about stock prices, there is usually still much skepticism. Mental blocks can cause investors to be hesitant to make investments. After all, it can be challenging to break from a bearish mindset if you’ve been in that camp for a while.

Allos Bear Market

With investing, it's critical to “tune out the noise” and focus on what you can control. Having a strategy aligned with your goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance is critical, and it can help you stay focused when market sentiment turns negative.

There are always going to be unsettling news headlines and economic situations that can spook a market timer. There will always be a reason to stay on the sidelines if you’re looking for one. We are here to help if you’d like to tune out the noise and let our team help you navigate your investments backed by a solid plan that works for you.

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Published for the blog on July 24, 2023 by Allos Investment Advisors®, LLC.


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